Find the Best Contingent Workers in Canada

Now hire the most skilled and qualified Contingent Workers in Canada with Kontingence Recruitment. We collaborate with businesses that need access to a flexible workforce for unforeseen demands. We keep a strong pipeline of highly qualified personnel so that we can promptly meet our clients' needs.

The primary goal of Kontingence Recruitment is to match highly skilled individuals with expanding businesses. For direct hiring, long-term, temporary, contingent, and contingent employment opportunities, we place candidates.

Our contingent workforce is made up of qualified individuals who are hired as needed for a specific period of time or on a project. The pool is made up of independent contractors, freelancers, and consultants who are not full-time employees and are not paid by our client. They can be hired as needed and can work both onsite and remotely for your business.

Our Contingent Workers in Canada can be delivered in one of two ways:

Enterprise staffing: To find, choose, and onboard excellent personnel, we collaborate with managed service providers or your internal staffing initiatives. We often use different engagement approaches, such as speaking with you directly as our client or interacting with your vendor management system (VMS).

Contract staffing: You can save time and money by using contract employees, especially during peak seasonal demand. We partner with you to fill critical skills gaps in your team and identify your next contract employee. 

For periods of three to twelve months, we put our contractors at fair hourly rates, and we make it simple for contractors to become hired employees. Under a mutually agreed-upon Statement of Work, our contract staffing service covers meeting all of your project-based demands. We'll immediately pair you up with the top people.

Closing the skill gap

Many businesses are finding it harder and harder in today's market to locate employees with essential skill sets. Many employers are turning to the contingent labor to find top talent as they struggle to fill skills shortages in their personnel.

Organizations may guarantee they have access to people with particular expertise to do work on a project-by-project basis by utilizing the gig economy and recruiting external workers. This is a fantastic approach to enhance your in-house skills.

Greater adaptability

Have you ever had the impression that your company is unable to scale up or down based on a particular project or respond quickly to changing market conditions? If so, the contingent workforce would provide your company with the necessary flexibility.

Your company can react to changing market conditions and customer needs with the help of non-permanent employees. Without the lengthy lag time frequently associated with full-time staff, your organization will be able to quickly respond to, adjust, and adapt to market conditions.

Hence, hire the most suitable contingent workforce for your business from one of the top Canada’s Recruitment Agency – Kontingence Recruitment. 

Contact us:


Address:- 2-144 Old Kingston Rd, Ajax ON L1T 2Z9


Phone No:- (647) 689-4653


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